3 Personal Power Types - Which One Are You?

The goal of discovering your Personal Power is to find opportunities to align with it.

Society teaches us to work out for the “greater good”,  even if it comes at a personal expense. But who is benefitting from this? Certainly not you.

Not if it’s sucking the life force out of you.

You have the chance to turn the tide and connect with your authentic source of power. And it starts right now. 

When you’re in sync with your power source, the elusive “flow state” becomes a natural part of your daily life.

  • Obstacles don’t feel like a burden.

  • You can transition into growth instead of staying stuck. 

  • You can align with the dream version of yourself.

Unlock your power type with this 5-question quiz.

As a self-described “Type 1”, I feel burnt out when I have to network a lot or take the backseat in a large group. I’m most comfortable in the Solo Worker role, where I can take charge and execute my personal vision.

Your personal power type is a self-generating motor.

It will pull you along when you don’t ‘feel motivated’ to act. 

I’m sure you’re thinking “What are the types and how can I find mine?” I’ll cut to the chase so you can explore for yourself.

Type 1: The Solo Worker

You thrive under the pressure of a long to-do list. You love problem-solving and self-teaching yourself out of any situation. You’re the go-to person at work for tech issues, conflict resolutions, presentations, and more.

Type 2: The Catalyst-Connector

When you meet someone new you immediately think of 3 people to introduce them to. Nothing excites you more than bringing friends, acquaintances, and colleagues together over shared interests. You always know the latest book, course, or event that someone could use to further their goals.

Type 3: The Observer

You like being in a group (much like the Catalyst-Connector) but not being the center of it. You derive energy from being around others but act like a mini-hub of power within a larger collective unit. Think of a molecule within a bigger cell – they all work together to keep the cell functioning.

How much time you spend in each of the 3 types?...

Does your role align with the power source that brings you joy?

In my job, I spend A LOT of time in the Type 1 role. I enjoy being in control of my time and dictating how I spend my day. Sometimes I feel burnt out doing everything myself so I  take a step back. But the alignment of my Personal Power Type with my job role allows me to keep pushing forward when challenges arise.

Still feeling stuck? Try these journaling prompts based on your type.

If I’m a Type 3 and work in a Type 3 role,  why am I still drained?

Are your coworkers aligned in THEIR power? Do they come to work positive and in a good mood? Or are they negative, resentful, drained, and tired?

Maybe the person next to you is Type 3 but is cast into Type 1 situations. That would be draining!

Do some investigating of your own. Ask the people around you what types of roles they enjoy doing and find opportunities to help them do it. Remember: the goal is to find opportunities to align with your power source.

Create those moments right now by helping others. You’ll be surprised at how things unfold!

Want a little extra help getting your creative juices flowing? Check out my journaling prompts for each Personal Power. 


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