How I Manifested My Dream Apartment… 3 Times!

Apartment hunting can be a stressful journey. You have to calculate your budget, set time aside in your busy schedule, and sometimes even compromise on features that you REALLY want.

On top of that, there’s also a time crunch depending on when your current lease ends and your new one begins.

So what’s at the core of manifesting your dream apartment anyway?

Let’s take a deeper look at what your apartment/home/abode actually represents…

When you think about your dream residence, what words come to mind?

For me, it’s : 

  • Peace

  • Comfort

  • Cozy

  • Warm

  • Safe

The ironic part is, looking for an apartment feels like the total opposite of that. 

  • Chaotic

  • Stressful

  • Disappointing

  • Competitive

All  “LACK” words. 

Before you can manifest your dream apartment, you have to work on your mindset around apartment hunting. You need to start looking at apartment hunting as a joyous experience. An adventure, a time to expand and outgrow your old place into something new!

Here are the steps I take to kick off the hunt and set the mood:

1. Set a budget.

Some manifestation teachers might advise against this because you’re “limiting” what is possible for yourself. The reality is, unless you have a really strong money mindset, you’re going to feel stressed about making rent each month. And thoughts repeat themselves. So unless you want this to be a recurring issue, just do yourself a favor and be practical upfront.

2. Write out your non-negotiables.

Be realistic. Some people might consider a balcony to be a make-or-break asset. But if you live in a cold climate and can only use it for 4 months a year, then why bother? Or if you just HAVE to have a gym in your building because you think you’ll use it 5x/week when right now you only exercise once a month… don’t put it on your list.

3. Keep your list simple, but visualize how it will feel.

aka. Let the universe fill in the gaps.

When I write that I want wood floors or a kitchen island, I don’t specify how dark the wood has to be or how big the counter is … I visualize the look, and more importantly, the feel of the space. For me, it’s a bright and spacious home with lots of natural light. 

4. Stand firm in your vision - even if it doesn’t materialize right away.

  • I’ve had a tenant beat me to the punch and the unit was off the market. Only to be told the next day that the deal fell through and it was mine. 

  • I’ve had rent lowered to meet my budget even though the advertised price was higher.

  • I’ve been told the market was competitive and I wouldn’t be able to find a unit with everything I wanted. I did, and more!

I’ve hit everything on my list every time because I hold a vision and stick to it. 

That’s really all there is to it! The most important thing is to feel yourself in the space before you even see it. Feel the energy of the room, picture all of the activities you’ll do there  and then when you see it, you’ll know.

During my last apartment hunt, I knew the first place I saw was the one. I didn’t need to look anymore. Despite a few more showings, nothing lived up to the first place and we wound up getting it!

If you want to learn how to use the powerful techniques of scripting/writing to bring your dreams into reality, check out my Intro Guide to Scripting. 


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