How I Manifested my Soulmate (in just 3 months)

Yes, it is possible to manifest your true love.

A story from a former pessimist.

For all of you struggling with doubts, worries, and feeling like "love is for everyone else except me"... I've been there. I was there, and I want to tell you it IS possible to manifest your true love, your soulmate and it will be even BETTER than you ever could have imagined.

Here's the key though… you CANNOT, and I repeat CANNOTsettle for anything less than you deserve.

Even if it means being alone for a while,
even if it means watching your friends go out on tons of dates,
even if it means saying 'no' to those people who you think 'might' be the one - trust me, they're not. You will know. Maybe not right away, but you will know quickly who is for you and who is not.

The signs will be there and you must listen.
It means paying attention to the red flags, walking the fuck away, and not turning back.
Block them if you need to.
Don't let that energy drag you off your path....

Now, to the good stuff!

I was 33, so I've been around the dating scene for quite a while. I spent years, (probably close to almost 2 decades at this point) wasting time on men who did not deserve me.

I became bitter,
I became angry.
I could get mad at them all I wanted to but the fact was, I kept tolerating it. I kept going back, I kept trying to 'change' them... so who was really at fault here?

I did the apps, I met people out but something was always off or I ignored a red flag etc etc. In August, I had another bad situation with a man take me down and I decided ENOUGH was ENOUGH. I was at my breaking point.

I came to the conclusion that I'd rather be alone than be with someone who could not meet or exceed where I was at it in life.

I wrote down a list (which I had many times before) but this time I was SPECIFIC. I put in the personality traits I wanted but just for fun... I threw in some physical traits too...

  • dark hair

  • 1/2 sleeve tattoo

  • 5' 10"

  • in shape

yadda yadda... and then I left that shit in my phone notes and went on with my life.

3 months later, I matched with a guy on an app. I thought he was super hot, totally out of my league but he happened to message me. (side note: he is now my bf and the one shown in the pics)

Our first 3 dates were each 8 hours long. I told him right away I wanted a serious relationship and I wasn't going to sleep with him any time soon. I stuck to that too - once you decide your values you cannot waiver.

We continued to see each other a few times a week until I got sick with COVID. I was sad I wouldn't see him for 10 days and to my surprise - he came over every. single. day. Brought me snacks, we watched movies and it brought us closer than ever. (SIDE NOTE: he works in the ER, is exposed to COVID all the time, and is vaccinated) so he made the choice to keep seeing me.

He blew me away with his honesty, emotional vulnerability, and willingness to commit. We fell fast for each other. We both knew quickly... after we became official I happened to look back at my notes and he matched EVERYTHING on my list... down to the physical traits.

  • dark hair ✅

  • sleeve tattoo ✅

  • 5' 10" (he's 5'9" so close enough) ✅

  • in-shape (very!) ✅

I was FLOORED. Since then, he has exceeded my expectations about love and relationships in every possible way. We make each other better, we set goals TOGETHER, we do little things for each other JUST BECAUSE. My friend even jokes that I am dating a Disney Prince. People may say "oh it's just infatuation it will wear off" - we've spent every single day for the last 3 months together and are not sick of each other. We navigate disagreements with ease. It's not perfect but man is it FUCKING magical.

For Valentine's Day he wrote me a long note expressing his love for me. YOU DESERVE THIS TOO, YOU CAN HAVE THIS TOO. BUT YOU NEED TO BELIEVE IN YOUR VALUE AND WORTH.

  • You will scare off people who are not right for you

  • You will get disappointed by 'the wrong' ones

  • You will spend a certain amount of time alone - get comfortable with this, BE OK WITH THIS

I'm here for you because I've been just like you! YOU CAN DO THIS!! If you want to chat or have any questions about my story or experience, feel free to reach out. I truly believe everyone can have the love they think they deserve, but it starts with YOU!


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